The story of each life is one that is being written as it told - we cannot press the pause button when uncertainty or discomfort arises. Our ability to remain buoyant and move with the flow is dependent on our state of equilibrium. How do we establish and nourish balance when most of what is happening around us is not ours to control?
Join Jenny Gadbois for a 3- hour Holistic Health Workshop which integrates movement, meditation and nutrition. Explore practices of the body, mind & spirit that contribute to a state of equanimity and allow you to generate a sense of internal support no matter what is happening in the world around you.
Cancellation policy -
All cancellations are subject to a $25 fee. Cancellations made on or after March 2nd are subject to a $50 cancellation fee. Cancellations made on or after March 16, 2019, may result in forfeiture of the registration fee in full.