Filtering by: Special Events

Mindful Mat Pilates - Online Series
10:00 AM10:00

Mindful Mat Pilates - Online Series

A moderately strenuous series of movements intended to tone the body and enhance core awareness, as well as improve mobility and flexibility. Explore a blend of traditional Pilates, yoga and somatic movements that nourish strength, length and flowing control.
$45 for a 5-class series through the month of April.

To register, simply go to the Contact Us page and complete the form indicating that you are interested in the C-19 Series for April. We will send you a PayPal link. Once payment is received, you will receive an invitation to the first class.

Every Wednesday in April from 10-11AM EST.

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Pilates For Yoga - Lenox
4:15 PM16:15

Pilates For Yoga - Lenox

Healthy function is the primary objective of Pilates. We accomplish this by learning to focus our attention on specific, controlled movements - in yoga, we may call this “practicing with intention”. The physical and mental strength derived from a Pilates practice may produce a deep sense of support in each asana, allowing us to better organize our efforts and inhabit a posture without strain.

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BEING IN BALANCE - The Integration of Body, Mind & Spirit
11:30 AM11:30

BEING IN BALANCE - The Integration of Body, Mind & Spirit

The story of each life is one that is being written as it told - we cannot press the pause button when uncertainty or discomfort arises. Our ability to remain buoyant and move with the flow is dependent on our state of equilibrium. How do we establish and nourish balance when most of what is happening around us is not ours to control?

Join Jenny Gadbois for a 3- hour Holistic Health Workshop which integrates movement, meditation and nutrition. Explore practices of the body, mind & spirit that contribute to a state of equanimity and allow you to generate a sense of internal support no matter what is happening in the world around you.

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Reclaiming Our Resilience
11:30 AM11:30

Reclaiming Our Resilience

  • Rancho Valencia Resort & Spa (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Resilience is our ability to remain responsive to all that life presents us. Upon reflection, we may discover that our ability to adapt and recover is influenced by aging, activity, diet, and emotional states. The human body consists of a variety of tissues - from bones and arteries to organs and muscles to the brain and central nervous system. When viewed as a whole and complete organism we can develop an understanding of how muscular tightness affects not only our movement patterns in regards to exercise, but also internal movements such as digestion & elimination, hydration, hormonal signaling, and the efficacy of our immune system. When the physical body suffers we may experience less than desirable emotional states. 

The focus of this 3-hour workshop is to explore the ways in which we can nourish and sustain physical & psychological resilience through myo-fascial release, restorative yoga and re-invigorating movements.

This event is sold out.

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